Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Five Tips to Live Valentine's Day Everyday

You settle down for an evening of enjoyment with your partner. Lighting the gas logs in the fireplace, you turn down the lights and put on a CD of sultry tunes.

You’re teaching your partner to play Scrabble. What makes the evening magical isn’t the amount of money you plunk down, for everything here is free. It isn’t in the exotic scenery, for you are at home. It isn’t the feeling of a vacation, for you may only have an hour together—depending on whether you have children, or how early you have to wake up in the morning. Yet this ordinary moment seems timeless because you are having fun.

Tip #1: The magic is wrought by your attitude, in which you are neither competitive nor pedantic, but warm and spontaneous. You and your partner may face endless demands at work and in family life, but together in moments like this, there is a pleasurable mystique. You are reminded why you got together in the first place: you like each other!

Tip #2: A lover’s secret, employed when sharing something new with the beloved, is to adopt an attitude akin to a grandparent teaching a little one the joy of finger-painting. In the Scrabble game you compliment your partner’s efforts and slightest successes. Far from bossing or chiding, you know that winning is not the issue: trusting and enjoying are.

Tip #3: Why are you so patient—so nurturing and non-judgmental? Because ordinary moments are transfigured into comfortable communion by your partner’s friendly gaze, or by the creativity released in each other’s presence. 

In the world at large there are aggravating deadlines and the daily pressure of meeting people’s expectations. Why not fill your private time together with little extravagances? Since this intimacy bond can either be diminished or deepened, depending on the quality of your attentiveness, it makes sense to give it all you’ve got!


Tip #4: It’s not just at home that you show patience and kindly humor; it’s when you’re out playing tennis, taking in a new restaurant, going to the movies, or strolling together with the kids around the neighborhood. This attitude of caring involvement even livens up mundane chores. You can turn a drive to the hardware store into a date by going out afterwards for coffee.

Tip #5: You’ve probably noticed couples who don’t live this way; who long ago stopped showering each other with sexy smiles and comforting hugs. Now they exchange grim glances and speak tersely, if at all. In their own way they are witnesses that love—when deprived long enough of energy and priority—can be lost.

Say you’re watching a guy playing tennis. He is about to serve to the woman with him. Bam! He hits a winner. Pow! He serves another winner. Ka-fluey! His last serves bounces up and knocks off her sunglasses.
“You’ve got to be faster, Honey,” he shouts. “Keep your eye on the ball so you don’t get hit like that! Anyway, it’s forty-love in my favor.”
But, in a nearby park you see a man holding a football and a woman in shorts and T-shirt.
The man tosses a soft spirally pass. The woman grabs the football like a slippery fish. “Way to go, Honey.” 
She laughs, plants her legs, and throws a wobbling pass that bounces in front of him. He chases it down.  “Let’s get a little closer,” he yells. They adjust the distance and one throw later she completes her first pass. Jumping up and down, she cheers, “I did it, I did it!”

As you can see, the football aficionado is a lover who is simpatico to his wife’s needs for frolicking fun. You can bet that after today they will have added another game to their repertoire of outings.

Live Valentine's Day Every Day!

Yes, it takes special intentions to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary communion, but that’s what living Valentine's Day everyday is all about.

For more, read:


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